We print about 6,000 copies of The Bridge and deliver most of them direct to homes around Bridport, so advertising in the magazine is a great way to reach potential customers across the town.

Our prices are competitive and we offer a range of sizes and deals to suit all kinds of advertisers. Full details are on our rate card below.

At the beginning of 2024 we changed the size of the magazine from A4 to B5 (finished size 174mm wide x 244mm high). We no longer offer a quarter-page advertisement, as the 78 x 140mm box covers more than a quarter of the new page size.

We will be increasing our rates by a small amount for 2025. However, advertisers (existing or new) who book an advert or a series of adverts that runs into the new year* can do so at 2024 rates, as long as the booking is paid for by 31 December 2024. 

Sponsorship deals are also available at £250 per issue. This includes your business’s logo on the cover and a large advert in the prime spot on the back cover. (In the case of existing advertisers, this sponsor advert will be deducted from your paid-for run.) Please contact the editor for full details. 

Print-ready artwork should be in .jpg, .tif or .pdf format at high resolution (300dpi or greater at 100% of the advert size). Adverts submitted in Word will be recreated, for which there is no charge. Alternatively we offer a free design service if you don’t have an existing advert. Please note, our advertisement sizes do not have the same proportions as standard A-format sizes.

All submissions and enquiries to our advertising manager, Mrs Chris Senior: advertising@thebridgemagazine.org or 01308 427451.

Our full advertising terms and conditions are available to download here (Word document).
Our privacy policy for advertising and for our circulation mailing list is available here.
Our Standard Data Processing Addendum is available to download here (Word document).

* In the case of a single advert, this must be in the February 2025 issue. A series must comprise consecutive issues and start with or include the February 2025 magazine.